Double Feature; The Awakening

I feel like I’ve heard about this movie before but never thought much about it. I literally, as though it was meant to be, started playing right after my earlier post and had me again entranced.

I notice I have this lighter feeling in me when I’m watching these, that I feel more forgiving. Although mental health and coping with say in my case ‘ the past’ isn’t its main selling point. The teachings are about energetic, magnetic connection.Life, knowledge, Science and Spirituality all bundle together in a way that makes sense.

This movie too was great, literally a ‘trip’ ( watch after a hoot… winky face, jk . . . no really). But again similar yet differently describing what we are as people, and how we can regain control as the previous movie I posted about ( The Esoteric Agenda ) also spoke of.

Something feels REALLY good watching these, I can’t explain it, so my heart says I’m on the right path by doing so, and to spread the word.

I know a lot of people who follow me or I follow, is due to addiction or mental health relevance. Something we have to stop doing is letting our less desirable qualities hold us hostage, it’s hard when you don’t know how and I think that’s where some of this Spirituality comes in to give relief, basically saying it’s okay, I don’t need to know how, I just need to let go. I’m not one of the Religious type, but I see being Spiritual in a different light. Learning and Lessons, Union and Equality.

Again I recommend strongly this movie be see and heard, you hear!

Life, What’s That All About?

Awesome post, reposting. Thank you

The Search For Enlightenment

Man's Search For MeaningWe have all asked ourselves this question, maybe once or twice, maybe a thousand times, but the answer to the question turns out to be so simple, so eloquent, so meaningful, when it is asked from a position of total hopelessness.

Taken from Man’s Search For Meaning (p.113), by the late Dr Viktor E. Frankl, this is the most sensible and acceptable explanation of the age old question, β€˜what is the meaning of life?’ I have ever read. It is a question we should all ask ourselves on a regular basis, for as you will see, there is no one single answer.

”I doubt whether a doctor [we] can answer this question in general terms. For the meaning of life differs from man to man, from day to day and from hour to hour.

What matters, therefore, is not the meaning of life in general but rather the specific meaning…

View original post 270 more words

Life Purpose ? Whats the Point.

I feel tied down and freed all at once. I don’t know my purpose, I don’t really want to be here. But there is no choice in that, I am.

To have purpose though makes life tolerable, to me it almost feels fake though. I’ve felt purpose before, but the reality, I wasn’t making a difference, if I was, it wasn’t necessarily positive or worldly.

We crave purpose why? To excuse our emptiness? I get it, I mean I do, I am personally seeking some form of purpose in my life as we speak. False or not fucking feed me with the shit, so I can feel some relief and think my being here is for some damn good reason.

Maybe I make purpose up to be too big. I think about people who talk about their purpose and like an asshole I nod at them but really I’m thinking ‘ yea you and a million others‘.

I know I’m such a pessimist. But I do know having purpose makes getting up in the morning a lot easier. I just can’t help but feel again that it’s a false set of beliefs. Like so many, our false sense of security through relationships or employment, our false sense of achievement through materialism and money, our false sense of identity through who we know or what we do.

We’re just fucking people. You put all that shit aside and we’re just fucking people. Our sense of purpose, unless you’re really doing something amazing to me is just something else to hang onto so we can try to understand why the fuck we need to be here.

I’m more of the notion there is no meaning, some people fucked and you’re here. I suppose this isn’t a healthy view-point to some, especially since mental illness and addiction thrive within me, developing other thought processes and more positive vibes would be a good thing.

But I feel myself a realist. Unless you’re actually out there doing something huge and brave enough to fight the system you’re purpose is faulty. You’ve merely fallen in line and found something to do with your time, thereby giving yourself an illusion of purpose.

But as per the dictionary there are many ways to view purpose. I just personally feel to have purpose your contribution should be big, otherwise it’s simply what you do.

I mean all this as far as a reason for existence just to clarify.

To me for a life to have purpose you better be fucking feeding those starving kids not just talking about them, challenging the government not just making online groups about issues. I mean like doing something really ballsy, to me if you’re doing that, than you’re awesome and your life does serve a purpose as your actually standing up and making shit move, kudos to you.

To say ‘ this is my life’s purpose’, I guess I would hope that it’d be bigger than say, your job, or a many other random things.

But maybe I’m just an asshole

Than who am I …Β  ( tear ) If I’m not my fucking Khakis

Are you really happy or just comfortable?

Nice πŸ™‚ and so true



How very simple life would be
If only there were two of me
A Restless Me to drift and roam
A Quiet Me to stay at home.

A Searching One to find his fill
Of varied skies and newfound thrill
While sane and homely things are done
By the domestic Other One.Β 

And that’s just where the trouble lies;
There is a Restless Me that cries
For chancy risks and changing scene,
For arctic blue and tropic green,

For deserts with their mystic spell,
For lusty fun and raising Hell
But shackled to that Restless Me
My Other Self rebelliously

Resists the frantic urge to move.
It seeks the old familiar groove
That habits make. It finds content
With hearth and home dear prisonment,

With candlelight and well loved books
And treasured loot in dusty nooks,
With puttering and garden things
And dreaming while a cricket sings


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