Authentic Happiness Survey/ Questionnaire

I had my therapy appointment yesterday and just wanted to share what my therapist shared with me.

It’s a link to the University of Pennsylvania called Authentic Happiness. Basically it’s collecting all sorts of answers to these questionnaires they have and can kind of gauge your emotions, feelings and what not and then give you results based on others of your gender, age… ect.

Can’t say I learned anything really new, I just completed all of them and I am not a hundred percent on how to read all their answer scales.

None the less, interesting survey to take part in, even if the answers seem like Duh. Which is how I felt about some of them. But a shares a share if it interest anyone, maybe you will learn something about yourself, some of them I found intriguing. It helps show you your strengths as well, which is kind of nice, something positive for the negative eating mind.

Here’s the link:

Go to Questionnaires, you have to register and give a bit of info about yourself but it’s short and sweet and then it’s a whack of questionnaires.

Good Luck!