Double Feature; The Awakening

I feel like I’ve heard about this movie before but never thought much about it. I literally, as though it was meant to be, started playing right after my earlier post and had me again entranced.

I notice I have this lighter feeling in me when I’m watching these, that I feel more forgiving. Although mental health and coping with say in my case ‘ the past’ isn’t its main selling point. The teachings are about energetic, magnetic connection.Life, knowledge, Science and Spirituality all bundle together in a way that makes sense.

This movie too was great, literally a ‘trip’ ( watch after a hoot… winky face, jk . . . no really). But again similar yet differently describing what we are as people, and how we can regain control as the previous movie I posted about ( The Esoteric Agenda ) also spoke of.

Something feels REALLY good watching these, I can’t explain it, so my heart says I’m on the right path by doing so, and to spread the word.

I know a lot of people who follow me or I follow, is due to addiction or mental health relevance. Something we have to stop doing is letting our less desirable qualities hold us hostage, it’s hard when you don’t know how and I think that’s where some of this Spirituality comes in to give relief, basically saying it’s okay, I don’t need to know how, I just need to let go. I’m not one of the Religious type, but I see being Spiritual in a different light. Learning and Lessons, Union and Equality.

Again I recommend strongly this movie be see and heard, you hear!

Catching up On Spirituality; The Esoteric Agenda

So I’ve slacked on my Spiritual Journey, and was inspired by a friend to get back on the wagon, I need it, you need it, we all need it.

I’ve been so wrapped up on my childhood journey I see it starting to rattle my reality, all my focus can’t be wrapped in this anticipation, I must continue forth in my other avenues of self health and healing, not sit and wait and fester.

I got on YOUTUBE and searched ‘ Spiritual awakening Documentary‘ and this one came up. At first I didn’t see it as very Spiritual and wasn’t sure If I would continue on it but this is one of my favorites. SO interesting and it explores so many avenues. Many may call it all a conspiracy theory but a lot of what was brought forth were things I had been already questioning and other things just jaw dropping. Like why the fuck is there Floride in our water when it’s known it’s not meant for conscumption? That’s just one example of something that I’d thought about before and thought WTF. It won’t be everyones thing, again, controversial but if your open minded and aren’t stuck in your made up world it’s a must see.

I’ve always thought theres something seriously wrong with Society and complained that we’ve gone so far from our roots. We don’t have a fucking clue what to do now except what were told I guess. We feel we have no control anymore.

But it ends wonderfully not saying out of insanity we need to start a revolution or go to War against our Government. It says People Need To Take Back Their Power. Stop being a guinea pig, be conscious of your choices, know yourself and know your world.

I highly recommend this, it has a lot to offer, the commercials are fucking annoying but it’s worth every minute. Some very interesting ‘ theories’.

Life, What’s That All About?

Awesome post, reposting. Thank you

The Search For Enlightenment

Man's Search For MeaningWe have all asked ourselves this question, maybe once or twice, maybe a thousand times, but the answer to the question turns out to be so simple, so eloquent, so meaningful, when it is asked from a position of total hopelessness.

Taken from Man’s Search For Meaning (p.113), by the late Dr Viktor E. Frankl, this is the most sensible and acceptable explanation of the age old question, β€˜what is the meaning of life?’ I have ever read. It is a question we should all ask ourselves on a regular basis, for as you will see, there is no one single answer.

”I doubt whether a doctor [we] can answer this question in general terms. For the meaning of life differs from man to man, from day to day and from hour to hour.

What matters, therefore, is not the meaning of life in general but rather the specific meaning…

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