The Cowardly Lioness

I hate this feeling, lingering inside

I want to toss it, but It just won’t slide

Try to stay distracted, immersed in the present

Can’t stop the murmurs of these thoughts I resent

I won’t be free lest I free myself

Unshackled by knowledge of Spiritual wealth

Taking back my Power

Is like watching each hour

Waiting for that cathartic moment

When I no longer painfully repent

Drowning in the pool of my fears

That have already taken so many years

How to stand up and be tall as I should

Stop asking and wondering if only I could ?

It’s so hard to say

When living this way

What can I take back

While being taken aback

That this is my reality

Created by my duality…

To take a stand that I feel is right

Is scary to think I’m to cause this fight

To believe in myself enough to pursue

And to know instinctually what I must do

It’s hard to say

When living this way

Whatever the outcome, should I win or should I lose

At least I did what I had too, when I had the right to choose

My thoughts to be spoken

Though they may be provoking

But standing back, knowing in my saddened heart

Is worst than doing nothing and having it tare me apart.








Use All Your Courage

I DO wish I had more courage… Love this Blog!

The Search For Enlightenment

Use All Your CourageWe all have choices to make in life. Everything from whether to take tea or coffee to the major life-changing decisions regarding money, relationships, children and careers.

Whatever the choice you have to make, make it with wisdom, courage and compassion.

If you summon your courage to challenge something, you will never regret it. It would be so sad to spend your life wishing, β€œIf only I had a little more courage.”

Whatever the outcome, the important thing is to take a step forward on the path that you believe is right.

Do not worry too much about what others may think. It is your life. Be true to yourself.

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