Interesting Movies

This Blog I’ll post my favorite not crazy but awesome, interesting and or informative movies, when you need a day off from my Mad Movies . . .


Hungry for Change 2012

This isn’t your average pushy, scare you into wanting to lose a hundred pounds type movie. It’s very informative and touches base with many people who’ve fought the weight and nutrition battle personally, I found this an absolutely awesome movie. Not in a I want to lose a bunch of weight way, but that it made so much sense to me that I simply did want to get healthier, whether I shed pounds or not. It’s definitely worth watching, I got three of my friends to watch it and they felt exactly the same way and were on board with the juicing, and not just juicing or a juicing diet but simply adding to our diets so we were at least getting that much nutrients every day, and we’d never eat that much veggies and fruit in a sitting or day as we did throwing it in a blender where it went down like a fruit smoothie, my kid even loved it. The movie doesn’t over do it and doesn’t buy into diets, it’s all about balance and how to do it and I can vouch that simple changes made me feel a lot better, unfortunately consistency isn’t my thing, especially when I’m fighting mind demons and well you know being an avid fan of alcohol doesn’t help. But if your interested in changing your lifestyle and finding balance, learning about how food companies try to fuck with you with their labels and little tips and tricks WATCH THIS.

Hungry for Change (2012) Poster

Penn & Teller: Bullshit! ( TV Series )

I love this show, I never knew these guys as magicians which I guess they were once upon a time but they rocked this show. This is a tell it like it is show, basically each episode has a topic and they call bullshit on it, they can be sued for calling someone a liar or a scam artist but legally they can say their full of shit. They use a lot of dirty language, some nudity, at the end of the day these guys seem to just be living in the real world, who gives a shit, here’s some info, I love it. They get views on both sides of the controversy though they have their side and are pretty good at getting you to see it, but at the end of the day they believe in free speech, pro-choice, if it doesn’t hurt anybody who cares and common sense, so what’s your choice ?

Penn & Teller: Bullshit! (2003) Poster

Religulous 2008

If you’re a big religious believer, don’t watch this. Bill Maher basically sets out and gets into debates with strong believers, religious leaders, people of all faiths and backgrounds and groups about their support and views of their religion and that of others. He comes from a religious back ground but now thinks it’s ridiculous to the point of basically saying these hard-core believers are nuts. I found it humorous and for my belief system dare I say honest, as the interviewees found themselves at time tongue-tied or completely angered by him. He makes a lot of great points that reference the bible and contradict many statements that have been made by leaders and those he speaks with and I found It an entertaining watch. Those who are religious will not.

Religulous (2008) Poster