Interesting Movies

This Blog I’ll post my favorite not crazy but awesome, interesting and or informative movies, when you need a day off from my Mad Movies . . .


Hungry for Change 2012

This isn’t your average pushy, scare you into wanting to lose a hundred pounds type movie. It’s very informative and touches base with many people who’ve fought the weight and nutrition battle personally, I found this an absolutely awesome movie. Not in a I want to lose a bunch of weight way, but that it made so much sense to me that I simply did want to get healthier, whether I shed pounds or not. It’s definitely worth watching, I got three of my friends to watch it and they felt exactly the same way and were on board with the juicing, and not just juicing or a juicing diet but simply adding to our diets so we were at least getting that much nutrients every day, and we’d never eat that much veggies and fruit in a sitting or day as we did throwing it in a blender where it went down like a fruit smoothie, my kid even loved it. The movie doesn’t over do it and doesn’t buy into diets, it’s all about balance and how to do it and I can vouch that simple changes made me feel a lot better, unfortunately consistency isn’t my thing, especially when I’m fighting mind demons and well you know being an avid fan of alcohol doesn’t help. But if your interested in changing your lifestyle and finding balance, learning about how food companies try to fuck with you with their labels and little tips and tricks WATCH THIS.

Hungry for Change (2012) Poster

Penn & Teller: Bullshit! ( TV Series )

I love this show, I never knew these guys as magicians which I guess they were once upon a time but they rocked this show. This is a tell it like it is show, basically each episode has a topic and they call bullshit on it, they can be sued for calling someone a liar or a scam artist but legally they can say their full of shit. They use a lot of dirty language, some nudity, at the end of the day these guys seem to just be living in the real world, who gives a shit, here’s some info, I love it. They get views on both sides of the controversy though they have their side and are pretty good at getting you to see it, but at the end of the day they believe in free speech, pro-choice, if it doesn’t hurt anybody who cares and common sense, so what’s your choice ?

Penn & Teller: Bullshit! (2003) Poster

Religulous 2008

If you’re a big religious believer, don’t watch this. Bill Maher basically sets out and gets into debates with strong believers, religious leaders, people of all faiths and backgrounds and groups about their support and views of their religion and that of others. He comes from a religious back ground but now thinks it’s ridiculous to the point of basically saying these hard-core believers are nuts. I found it humorous and for my belief system dare I say honest, as the interviewees found themselves at time tongue-tied or completely angered by him. He makes a lot of great points that reference the bible and contradict many statements that have been made by leaders and those he speaks with and I found It an entertaining watch. Those who are religious will not.

Religulous (2008) Poster

Mad Movies

🎬  Please Note: My memory is not perfect, I do a little research refresher, mostly I just remember what I thought was awesome, interesting or totally fucked.

Please Click ➩ the Movie name to be linked to IMDB for more info.

Also note my Themes/ Triggers section is a general idea, such as ‘mental illness’ to me is a pretty broad term, hard to define. Please do your own research some of these movies might be considered pretty intense to some, especially if they hit close to home.

An American Crime 2007

Based on a true story. The awful story of Sylvia and Jennie Fae Likens, left in the hands of a single mother, Gertrude Baniszewski, who already had her house full with six kids of her own. Once the mother found herself in financial despair her mental deterioration was taken out on the children that weren’t hers. This horrible, shocking story is also reflected more loosely in the movie ‘ The Girl Next Door 2007‘. It’s a hard movie to watch, but says something about society and the times.

Starring: Ellen Page, Catherine Keener

Themes\ Triggers : Mental Illness, Child Abuse, Biography

An American Crime (2007) Poster

Blow 2001

When I was using, I thought this movie was kick ass. Based on a true story or at least loosely of George Jung who claims his involvement in moving about 85% of the cocaine in the 70’s. From his childhood to dealing pot and then graduating to becoming a leader in cocaine trafficking, dealing with the big guys like Pablo Escobar. His rise and fall, managing family life while being a ‘top guy’ and all the complexities that came with making the deals and making the money. Definitely a good watch, somebody who came from very little, worked his way up in the underworld and made it, but then the cost of living that life. A guy with guts that’s for true, but was it worth it in the end?

Starring: Johnny Depp, PenΓ©lope Cruz

Themes\ Triggers : Addiction, Biography

Blow (2001) Poster

Butterbox Babies 1995

I haven’t watched this movie in years. Based on a true story, I just remember feeling awful and thinking the people who owned this black marked, murdering ‘maternity home’ were horrendous. This couple did anything for a buck and abused the people who needed their help, unwed mothers and people looking to adopt, ect. It’s named Butterbox babies, as the babies they murdered instead of caring for were buried in butter box crates. They took advantage of the ‘market’ of that war-time era which had many soldiers leaving behind unwanted pregnancies and woman with nowhere to turn. IMDB doesn’t say too much please Wikipedia for more.

Starring: Susan Clark, Peter MacNeill

Themes\ Triggers : Mental Illness, Child Abuse

Butterbox Babies (1995) Poster

Chaplin 1992

The amazing and troubled life of silent screen star Charlie Chaplin. I honestly had no interest in the fellow but his life is a movie of its own and kept me entranced. I loved the actors and they did an awesome job portraying his spirit and diminishing mind, they even have Charlies real daughter Geraldine Chaplin lead a role in the movie, which I think makes it all the more awesome. He was creative and often creativity comes with mental health issues, such as with him and his controversial life and affairs. Definitely an interesting watch and learn a bit about movie history as you go through the movie.

Starring: Robert Downey Jr. ,Β Geraldine Chaplin

Themes\ Triggers : Mental Illness, Sex with a minor, Biography

Chaplin (1992) Poster

Citizen Ruth 1996

A young drug addict Ruth, with no one finds herself pregnant again, after already having kids and losing them all. After being found passed out after getting high, she is court ordered to have an abortion or face the music this time. Ruth is sent to jail. The next day she’s bailed out by a stranger who invites her into her and her husbands seemingly ‘normal’ home. Next thing it’s realized they are anti abortionists, here to fight for her baby to the extreme, the movie goes on, throwing Ruth in as a symbol for one side or the other, as each side tries their hand to get to and fight for Ruth’s ’cause’. I think it’s a great movie about a serious topic and I love how they made it light and friendly, maybe it’s just me because I’m not an extremist but I thought the movie was well done, especially for such a controversial topic. Though I hate the cover they made for the film, makes it look flaky.

Starring: Laura Dern, Swoosie Kurtz

Themes\ Triggers : Mental Illness, Addiction, Abortion

Citizen Ruth (1996) Poster

Color of Night 1994

This movie is all over the place and seriously messed up, may not be for everyone, but for me the messier the better! Though it’s not one I’d watch repeatedly it’s worth a look.
A psychiatrist takes over his co workers group therapy group, the patients have all sorts of issues. He eventually gives up his practice after he believes a patient committed suicide because of him and goes on trying to recover. A co-worker is murdered and a murderers on the lose, any connection with the patients ? He begins an affair with a mysterious woman, and the plot thickens… yadda, yadda, yadda.

Starring : Bruce Willis, Jane March

Themes\ Triggers : Mental Illness

Color of Night (1994) Poster

Drugstore Cowboy 1989

I found this movie interesting because I’d never thought of the idea of robbing a pharmacy for drugs until this movie and then their whole gang thing and everything else, the movie was interesting, interesting topic, well done, not one I’d watch over and over but interesting. So basically Bob and his wife Diane and their gang rob pharmacies to get their highs, along the way they run into all sorts of issues. A different kind of drug movie for sure.

Starring: Matt Dillon, Kelly Lynch

Themes\ Triggers : Addiction

Drugstore Cowboy (1989) Poster

Fatal Attraction 1987

Now here’s a movie that will keep your husbands at home! A cheating husband has an affair that turns into way more than he bargains for, his lover won’t let him go lightly and he’s stuck trying to keep his secret and deal with his now stalker whose determined to have him. It goes from a one night stand to her mental illness becoming very clear. I won’t spoil it, crazy movie.

Starring : Michael Douglas, Glenn Close

Themes\ Triggers : Mental Illness

Fatal Attraction (1987) Poster

Frances 1982

So I haven’t watched this one in a while I just remember it being an amazing movie, so I’m going to bite my tongue and leave a link. IMDB doesn’t do it justice to find out what it’s really about, this movie deals with drug addiction and mental illness from a young, rebellious starlet, what a life to live and have such a strong attitude about it. There sorry had to say something.

Please see Wikipedia for more details.

Starring : Jessica Lange, Kim Stanley

Themes\ Triggers : Mental Illness, Addiction, Biography


Great Balls Of Fire! 1989

The insane and controversial life story of Rock and Roller Jerry Lee Lewis. The man who played by his own rules and lived a wild life, meanwhile falling in love with his young cousin. One of those movies, you just go wow, what a life. Good watch, great acting, good music, what more could you want ?

Starring :Β Dennis Quaid, Winona Ryder

Themes\ Triggers : Mental Illness, Sex with a minor

Great Balls of Fire! (1989) Poster


Grey Gardens 2009

Two film makers make an amazing movie about two former socialites, the aunt and first cousin ofΒ Jackie Kennedy Onassis. Edith Bouvier Beale and daughter Edith Bouvier Beale( ‘Little Edie’). Now living very non socialite lives and rather unaware of the outside world, now two very eccentric people relishing the chance to relive their younger days and their struggle to keep their home ( Grey Gardens) as the health department now see their arrangement as unfit and they can no longer afford to uphold it . This is the newest version made in 2009, there is also an original ( which I have not seen ) made in 1975.

I found this movie extremely interesting, not only do I love the cast, but they did an excellent job. It’s an incredible story, a side of the Kennedy’s of course you wouldn’t hear about. The acting was great and It was engaging from start to finish.

Starring : Drew Barrymore, Jessica Lange

Themes\ Triggers : Mental Illness, Biography

Grey Gardens (2009) Poster

Hard Candy 2005

This movie is demented and intriguing and well … I’m not too sure what to say without giving away too much. A fourteen year old girl has been chatting with an older man on the internet when they agree to meet. She flirts, he holds back saying they’d have to wait till she’s of age when she invites herself over. They have an alcoholic beverage at his place, he passes out and I’ll leave the rest for you.

Lets just say revenge for all the children who’ve been abused!

Starring:Patrick Wilson, Ellen Page

Themes\ Triggers : Mental Illness, Abuse, Pedophilia

Hard Candy (2005) Poster

Heavenly Creatures 1994

Based on a true story, which I always find makes crazy movies crazier. Two girls find each other and both have a love for music, literature and fantasy. As they become more involved in their own worlds and their own imaginations, they spend as much time as possible together their parents become concerned with theirΒ enmeshing and attempt to separate them. The girls won’t have it and will do whatever necessary to stay together. Very interesting movie filmed where it occurred in New Zealand, happened in the 50’s I believe so a different perspective in a different time.

Starring: Melanie Lynskey, Kate Winslet

Themes\ Triggers : Mental Illness, Biography

Heavenly Creatures (1994) Poster

Holy Smoke 1999

This movie I thought was really different, it’s more about brainwashing and cults and kind of leaves you to decide what you believe. Did she have a spiritual awakening or was her family right and she had fallen under the influence of a cult while on a trip in India, what’s right and whats wrong ? At least that’s how I felt about it. So her mom goes to India to retrieve her daughter who wouldn’t come home willingly because she was happy where she was, mom tells her a big lie to get her home. Once there, her family has hired a specialist to basically ‘exorcise’ her of her brainwashing. The specialist and the brainwashed girl are left on their own for him to do to his ‘ work’, and things get out of hand pretty quickly and even more fucked up. A total WTF just happened movie, I truly enjoyed.

Starring: Kate Winslet, Harvey Keitel

Themes\ Triggers : Mental Illness, Cults

Holy Smoke (1999) Poster

Irina Palm 2007

So this movies fucked up and heartwarming at the same time. Maggie’s grandson is very ill and in need of a medical procedure that has expensive travel costs, the bank won’t help and she finds herself un-hireable at her age. After seeing an ad for a ‘hostess’, she finds herself in a strip club talking to the owner who at first humors her and then gives her a chance. Next thing the old woman is making dough ‘ wanking‘ ( hand jobs ) her way to the top, under the name ‘Irina Palm’ for her soft hands. She keeps her job a secret and saves up the money but as always complications ensue. This movie is very unique, I enjoyed the characters especially Maggie, the actress herself Marianne Faithfull has had quite the life herself. But the movie just confuses your emotions, how far would you go to save someone you loved? And she plays the sweet ol’ lady perfectly, she could be anyone’s grandmother. Definitely an interesting watch.

Starring: Marianne Faithfull, Predrag Manojlovic

Themes\ Triggers : Prostitution

Irina Palm (2007) Poster

Mother’s Boys 1994

I remember when I first watched this being very young and finding it kind of frightening, than not too long ago I was thinking what was that movie called ? So the mom in this movie leaves her family for three years than returns, hoping to just be invited back, when she learns her husband has moved on and her children are skeptical of her she becomes devilish in her attempt to regain her family.

Starring: Jamie Lee Curtis, Peter Gallagher

Themes\ Triggers : Mental Illness

Mother's Boys (1994) Poster

Poison Ivy 1992

This was one of my faves once upon a time ( I’m lying, it still is ). A rebellious teenager Ivy meets a nerdy doesn’t really fit in teenager Sylvie and immediately basically subordinates her as Sylvie’s longing for a friend. However in time Ivy takes over almost everything in Sylvie’s life and crosses many other lines on the way. The movies well done, well acted and might be more of a teen flick but I still dig it, haven’t watched any of the sequels, pretty sure they all suck but this ones a gooder, crazy kids.

Starring: Drew Barrymore, Sara Gilbert

Themes\ Triggers :Mental Illness

Poison Ivy (1992) Poster

Rush 1991

This movie starts out a little slow but I still found it a crazy watch that I’ve watched more than once. An old school undercover narcotics cop Jim, is partnered with a less experienced female cop Kristen, to take down a drug dealer in a tough town. He introduces her to the world of drugs and grunge basically, teaching her how to blend and the cost that comes with the job of an undercover detective, she’s up for the challenge. However what ensues is more than she or he predicted and makes for fucked up movie where both their lives are at risk should they be found out.

Starring: Jason Patric, Jennifer Jason Leigh

Themes\ Triggers : Addiction

Rush (1991) Poster

Single White Female 1992

Haven’t watched this in a while, but it’s basically every room-mates nightmare!! While looking for a new room-mate after a break up, Alison thinks she’s found the right one, but soon finds out a lot more as her room-mate starts to become more and more like herself…

Starring: Bridget Fonda, Jennifer Jason Leigh

Themes\ Triggers :Mental Illness

Single White Female (1992) Poster

The Crush 1993

A somewhat fatal attraction like movie. A girl tries to seduce the new gentleman whose living in their guest house and is refused, as she is 14 and he is seeing someone, he finds her as simply an annoyance until the confrontations escalate. The insanity ensues as her parents see her as a sweet young lady, the man consistently getting fucked around, until it all comes to a head.

Starring: Cary Elwes, Alicia Sylverstone

Themes\ Triggers :Mental Illness

The Crush (1993) Poster

The Hand that Rocks the Cradle 1992

This movie has many avenues and keeps you guessing. A woman, Peyton, who just went through a lot of shit, now seeking revenge. Blaming another woman, Claire, for the miscarriage of her child, she gets hired on as her nanny, Claire having no idea who she is or how they’re connected. And Peyton’s intentions are not pure. Very intense movie that will have any mom going WTF.

Starring: Annabella Sciorra, Rebecca De Mornay

Themes\ Triggers :Mental Illness

The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (1992) Poster

The Magdalene Sisters 2002

Based on true stories. Just you tube the movie title and listen to the stories of the real woman who went through these asylums. This movie explores the stories of 4 woman who had the misfortune of being sent to one of the many of these asylums that existed not so long ago, for ‘fallen’ woman, and their stories are truly unbelievable. How they got there in the first place, most of us would be labelled fallen woman for our sexual ‘indiscretions’. Run by cruel nuns the woman were forced into labor and under strict command, some for their entire lives. This movies focus is on the lives specifically of the four girls from how they got there to how they got out, if they did. And your introduced to the tales of the other poor creatures who live within the locked doors along the way. Very informative I had no idea these places existed until this movie and heart wrenching, makes a woman happy to live in these times. Well documented, acted and done. They let the woman tell their stories.

Starring: Geraldine McEwan, Anne-Marie Duff

Themes\ Triggers :Mental Illness, Abuse,

The Magdalene Sisters (2002) Poster

The Reader 2008

Intriguing movie as a young man of 15, is seduced by an older woman of 36, he fell in love with her and then she moves away without notice. Years later, this young man all grown and now a law student. Finds himself at a Nazi war crime trial and is surprised to see his former lover as one of the many defendants. The story continues with many twists and keeps you questioning every minute as he believes he may know her secret, she’s too proud to reveal that could potentially save her life.

Starring: Ralph Fiennes, Kate Winslet

Themes\ Triggers : War Crimes, Sex with a minor

The Reader (2008) Poster